Quite a lot actually. I mean I knew I would; just the mere visual of all these characters coming together from all these different films I knew would be exciting. And it was. Seeing the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy together at the same time, seeing Bruce Banner meet T'Challa, seeing Loki interact with Thanos - it was all as great as I imagined. It really is quite the unprecedented spectacle that Kevin Feige and all those at Marvel Studios have put together. All the actors were on top-form of course and some of the new additions were instantly iconic and interesting.
Plot-wise, I'd say this film is very fast-paced and non-stop. If you think of something like Nolan's Dunkirk, it just starts, straight into events and things happen and they don't stop until credits roll. This is similar. There isn't much of a build up, no time for exposition on ten-years worth of movies. If you are going to see Avengers: Infinity War then you need to have watched all, or at least the majority of the previous films. This movie is for the fans and it knows it. There is time for exposition on Thanos, however. A lot of this is very much a Thanos movie. He is definitely one of the best Marvel villains and you really feel a sense of anxiety and uncomfortableness whenever he is onscreen, and a lot of that is down to Josh Brolin's amazing motion-capture performance. His motives are clear, and you may even feel sympathetic for him at points. So this movie has an intense narrative for sure and some very dark moments and also very emotional ones, but it still has that brilliant Marvel humor we love; it has some of the best lines of the franchise that made me laugh out loud.
If I had to pick some faults with the film then I would have to say that some characters had less screen time than I was expecting. And to be honest, it's almost unavoidable with essentially 30-odd people who's back-story we've seen and enjoyed. I'd say mostly Captain America and Black Panther and some who were with them got the short straw this time but we did have Civil War so I'm not complaining too much.
Another negative for me is that come of the CGI was a little off. All the characters look great, especially Thanos, but at times there were some real cringy shots, one particular of the Hulkbuster near the end. One or two other points I can't mention because of spoilers I wasn't such a fan of but they really are only minor things and personal preferences.
In the end, I'd say Avengers: Infinity War lived up to the hype for me; it had some incredible surprises, and iconic moments, including post-credits. I can't wait to see what's next.