The first Incredibles film is known for being a real gem of animation. Not only is it a cleverly written script with some deep themes for a family film but it's also helped with the realistic portrayals and dialogue of the characters. I'm happy to say that for the most part Incredibles 2 continues that.
The characters are just as realistic and cleverly written as previous. Especially the actual family themselves, the Parrs are such a wonderful family to be around and listen to, that that in itself is a joy, but perhaps that's my nostalgia talking. This film did bring us some new characters as well but not many, at least not many main ones. They were interesting enough but I think perhaps their character arcs were a little unoriginal.
And I think that's one of my gripes with the film; while there was still a lot of realism in the script and interesting characters, I felt the overall plot involving Elastagirl was a little familiar, something we've seen before. Not to say that is was done particularly badly, but I guess there were some narrative beats concerning the villain that was predictable. And while I'm on the subject of story I have to say that for me the whole thing seemed a little less grounded than the first, especially the third act. I know it's a superhero film but I just felt this one went a little more "out there" than the first movie, certainly when other particular characters started to show up, the Parr family seemed to almost stand out because how normal they looked.
Plots aside though, you can't deny that Pixar is using some of the best animation in the business. The amount of detail they put in is astounding. From the fibers on a shirt to the iconic visual of a fire-wielding baby, I have to say it's some of the best-looking animation I've seen on film. The highlight for me being a particular scene involving Elastagirl and the Screenslaver, you'll know the one I'm talking about if you see it.
As a conclusion, I'd say I enjoyed Incredibles 2 a lot. It was fun, it was funny, it looked great. Perhaps a few narrative problems for me personally and I still think it's predecessor was better but in the end, I give it a...
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